Candidates for SymsSC VP
- Shayna Stein
- Malia Weiss
S h a y n a S t e i n

SCW: Describe one goal you want to accomplish for the student body and tell us how you would accomplish that goal.
My primary goal for Syms is to help improve the course selection for Syms students. I would work closely with the Syms administration to ensure that each student has the necessary courses available each semester to graduate on schedule. I plan to work as a liaison between the students and the administration to make sure that the student body is properly heard and represented. I will create an email account specifically for students to voice any issues with their Syms courses, be it their professors, schedules, and so forth. This email account will allow me to be in constant and direct communication with the student body, working as quickly and diligently to make their requests heard and into a reality.
SCW: You have planned a huge event, but you wake up the morning of the event with a migraine. How do you ensure a quality event even though you cannot personally attend?
Whenever I plan an event I always have a plan B. If a Bar Mitzvah venue were outdoors, for example, I would have a tent company on call in case of bad weather. I plan and organize events to ensure that they run smoothly regardless of any setbacks that may occur. Every role would be delegated to a capable individual and their event responsibilities would be clear and written on a schedule. I would have a schedule printed out and given to each of the individuals involved in running the event. In addition, I would always have someone on the event board that clearly knows how to run the event other than me in case of emergency. Furthermore, I would make sure that I am available to video chat or to talk on the phone incase of emergency. If I was sick the day of an event and not able to attend, I would know the event would still run smoothly.
SCW: One of your clubs has two club heads. You know that one is doing all of the work and "doesn't mind," but the club really needs both heads to be on their "A-game" in order to succeed. How do you proceed?
To productively handle this situation, I would hold a meeting with both of the club heads and discuss the importance of teamwork. We would talk about working together and how each individual has something that they can offer the other; by explaining that if they both utilize their strengths their club can develop into something truly great. While conversing with them I would make sure to give them positive feedback and constructive criticism by letting them know that their club is good now, but could be even better. I would choose to focus on the positive rather than on the negative.
M a l i a W e i s s

SCW: Describe one goal you want to accomplish for the student body and tell us how you would accomplish that goal.
As Vice President of Syms, I plan to implement three ideas to help improve the Syms School of Business. One of my goals is to implement a successful internship program within the school. Throughout the years, Syms School of Business has graduated numerous CEO’s, entrepreneurs and owners of successful businesses. Alumni of Syms would offer exclusive internships only available to Syms students. This will not only be beneficial to the students and their new employers, but also expand the Syms community to involve multiple generations of Syms graduates.
Another goal would be to expand the marketing curriculum to include fashion marketing courses. Many Syms students have expressed their interest in this course, and if the Wilf campus is offering sports marketing, then the Beren campus should be offering fashion marketing. Hiring someone with real world fashion experience would expand our knowledge of fashion marketing, which is a field many of our Syms students are interested in pursuing.
My third idea would be to have more Syms social and business related events to bring the Syms community closer. School is work, but it should also be enjoyable and interactive. Having more events, pertaining to business or just entertainment, would be a great way to further our business education while also expanding our friendships on both campuses.
SCW: You have planned a huge event, but you wake up the morning of the event with a migraine. How do you ensure a quality event even though you cannot personally attend?
As the Vice President, I would make sure that all the plans were set before the day of the event. I am looking forward to working with the other members of the board and most of the events are a team effort. If one of the members were ill, I would work even harder to make sure everything went smoothly, and I would hope my board members would do the same if I were ill. The key to avoiding a disaster is preparation and anticipation, and that is how I would handle every event the Syms Board plans.
SCW: One of your clubs has two club heads. You know that one is doing all of the work and "doesn't mind," but the club really needs both heads to be on their "A-game" in order to succeed. How do you proceed?
I would speak to each board member separately and privately. As a leader, I cannot be quick to assume the worst in people. People have different time constraints at different times. The club heads have to work as a team to evenly balance their Syms responsibilities over the course of the school year.