Candidate for President
Atara Burian

SCW: Describe one goal you want to accomplish for the student body and tell us how you would accomplish that goal.
SCW: You have planned a huge event, but you wake up the morning of the event with a migraine. How do you ensure a quality event even though you cannot personally attend?
I would do all that I could to make it to the event! But in unfortunate circumstances where attending is not an option, I would ensure that the board member who has to step in has all the information she needs to run the event as smoothly. I would have faith in my board to take over.
SCW: One of your clubs has two club heads. You know that one is doing all of the work and "doesn't mind," but the club really needs both heads to be on their "A-game" in order to succeed. How do you proceed?
The senior class board doesn’t oversee any clubs, but if there was a member of the senior class board who was doing all of the work I would call a meeting. I think it’s important that people don’t overwork themselves and only take what they can chew. In the meeting I would ask everyone what they have on their agenda, and try to redistribute the weight.-----------------------
Candidate for President
Lauren Shavolian
Hi, my name is Lauren Shavolian and I’m currently a junior in Stern College. I’m a very enthusiastic student and have a lot of school spirit. This year I was a First Time on Campus Student mentor and I enjoyed meeting all the new students on campus. I am Vice President of the Persian Club and I also host a radio show on WYUR! I look forward to continuing these commitments next year and bringing a smile and a good time to stressed Stern girls everywhere. For most people this will be their last year so why not make it the most memorable, with events and socials that will bring us all together and leave us a with bittersweet and everlasting memories.
SCW: Describe one goal you want to accomplish for the student body and tell us how you would accomplish that goal.
Being that a lot of girls have told me that they don’t know most of the people in their senior class, my main goal for next year would be to bring the senior class together, and to be more united as a team. One method I have in mind would be a spending a weekend skiing, a boat party, ice cream parties (who doesn't love free food?) and so much more. In addition, I am also proposing to have events where Jewish leaders in our community teach us how to prepare for life after graduation.
SCW: You have planned a huge event, but you wake up the morning of the event with a migraine. How do you ensure a quality event even though you cannot personally attend?
Crisis management 101 teaches you that you always have a backup plan ready incase something goes wrong. In this case I would have my second in command take over for me. I would have her send me constant updates and notify me of any changes or dilemmas so that I would still be able to help from the side.
SCW: One of your clubs has two club heads. You know that one is doing all of the work and "doesn't mind," but the club really needs both heads to be on their "A-game" in order to succeed. How do you proceed?
If one club head was doing more work than another, I would call for a group meeting and assign specific tasks to each member in the club, that way each person would feel more obligated to perform their personal duties. Working together is about being a unified team, not individuals running the team by themselves.
Candidate for Vice President
Shayna Mazel

SCW: Describe one goal you want to accomplish for the student body and tell us how you would accomplish that goal.
My goal for the senior class board next year is to have events that will unite us as a class. Senior year will likely be filled with lots of stresses, so I will work hard to ensure our class has memorable events that will ensure that our last year of college is the best. Senior class shabbaton and senior class dinner are two longtime events that will help further this goal, along with other events to be planned by the board. The future Senior Class of 2013 group on Facebook, an email list serve, and sstuds galore will ensure that you will always be “in the know”. Looking forward to a great year!
SCW: You have planned a huge event, but you wake up the morning of the event with a migraine. How do you ensure a quality event even though you cannot personally attend?
Delegating responsibilities within the board prior to the event will ensure the event runs smoothly if one person cannot attend. If I was unable to make the event, I would make sure the board knows my responsibilities for the event so it can be divided among them.
SCW: One of your clubs has two club heads. You know that one is doing all of the work and "doesn't mind," but the club really needs both heads to be on their "A-game" in order to succeed. How do you proceed?
Though there are not clubs under the umbrella of the class board, if one person is doing less work than others in general, it's important to make sure the one doing less work is aware of how vital their complete participation is and to find the root of the problem. Is the issue that the less-involved member is overburdened with outside responsibilities? Or do they have less direction within the group? Or is the person neglecting their direct responsibilities? Ultimately, less work is getting done in each of the scenarios, but it is important to find the root of the problem to fix it correctly. If the issue is unclear direction, then the group should reconvene and dole out each person's responsibilities for a given event. If the issue is outside responsibilities or neglecting their direct responsibilities in the group, then the person must recognize their responsibility to the group and reaffirm their commitment to its implementation.
Candidate for Junior Class Board President
Briana Mizrahi
Hi! My name is Briana Mizrahi and I am running for president of the Junior Class. As the former president of my freshman (yes, I'm a true freshman) and sophomore classes – I feel that I have sharpened my leadership and creativity skills and am thus a perfect fit for this position. Armed with two full years of experience, I, along with my team of three inspiring other board members, am determined to make junior year unforgettable. And don’t worry – this is my number one priority. I have scaled back my participation in other clubs in order to ensure my loyalty to my class responsibilities. I look forward to spending another year making your year better at Stern.
Vote for Briana Mizrahi for Junior President.
SCW: Describe one goal you want to accomplish for the student body and tell us how you would accomplish that goal.
One goal I want to accomplish next year is to have a bi-monthly discount email sent out to students. This email would outline some really good student discounts that currently exist around NYC, and some exclusively Stern Girl discounts. The purpose of this would be to encourage unity between students and the exploration of New York City. I have already spoken to nail and hair salons that are more than willing to cut their prices in half for stern girls, and many restaurants, concerts, and clothing brands offer great student discounts. I think it is really important to take advantage of what midtown has to offer – and cultivate awesome memories with friends along the way!
SCW: You have planned a huge event, but you wake up the morning of the event with a migraine. How do you ensure a quality event even though you cannot personally attend?
If a strict regimen of Excedrin and hydration doesn’t work (highly unlikely), I am a hundred percent confident that the rest of the team can ensure the event go better than expected. That is one of the advantages of working with such awesome people – we pick up for each other.
SCW: One of your clubs has two club heads. You know that one is doing all of the work and "doesn't mind," but the club really needs both heads to be on their "A-game" in order to succeed. How do you proceed?
I strongly believe that in order to be successful – there needs to be an equal delineation of responsibility to everyone involved. With that said, if it happens to be that the balance becomes unequal – a simple conversation should restore the balance of responsibility.
Candidate for Junior Class Board Vice President
Rachel Scheinberg
As current Vice President of the Sophomore class, I feel that I’ve gained and exhibited leadership skills which would make me fit for becoming the Junior class Vice President. Over the course of this year, I have greatly contributed to putting together events both fun and meaningful for the Sophomore class. Among these events are the candy sushi night where new Sophomore students had the opportunity to meet other Sophomores while doing a fun activity and the packaging of Mishloach Manot gift baskets for patients in nursing homes and hospitals which igive distributed on Purim day. Some of my extracurricular activities include being a section editor for The Associate and a board member for the Mechina Club on campus structured for girls who did not grow up with a Yeshiva background. I have really enjoyed being on the Sophomore class board this year and recognized that I truly care about the students in Stern and want to provide them with events they look forward to attending. I’m passionate about contributing to the Stern community and I feel that if given the opportunity, I would make the Junior class proud!
SCW: Describe one goal you want to accomplish for the student body and tell us how you would accomplish that goal.
My goal for the Junior class is to create a community within Stern and provide events to serve that community. I recognize that there are many types of girls in the school and I would like to create events that everyone can enjoy on every level and be comfortable attending. Among these would be a tie-dying event where everyone brings an article of clothing they would like to have tie-dyed. I think it would be a really fun activity girls could bond over and enjoy with their friends, even make new friends and everyone would have something to go home with as a memory.
SCW: You have planned a huge event, but you wake up the morning of the event with a migraine. How do you ensure a quality event even though you cannot personally attend?
If taking two Advil, sucking it up and attending the event anyway is not an option, then the next thing I would do to ensure the success of my event would be to make sure that my fellow board members have everything under control and everything is in place. If need be, I would gladly call anyone I needed who was contributing to the event such as the food, music, or supplies. I would also ask for current updates on how the event is going and see if there is anything I could do to improve it from my dorm. Being a board member involves being on a team and working well with others, so even though I could not personally attend, I would have every confidence that my team would get the job done with flying colors.
SCW: One of your clubs has two club heads. You know that one is doing all of the work and "doesn't mind," but the club really needs both heads to be on their "A-game" in order to succeed. How do you proceed?
I am a strong believer that if you have a position on board, you have a responsibility to participate and contribute. If one club head was doing all the work while the other was not, I would have a board meeting and sit down and discuss the situation with the club heads. I would talk about the importance of being on a team and that it is not fair that one person does all the work while the others get rewarded for not doing their job. A club cannot be successfully run by one person and so I would encourage and motivate those who are not doing their job to contribute to the team as they should.
Candidate for Junior Class Board Secretary
Meredith Lane
Hey Y’all! Want to hear my personal interests? Well, other than the fact that I’m obsessed with everyone at Stern, I happen to love going on Martha Stewart’s website and cooking her scrumptious recipes with a kosher flip. I like to call it “Martha Jew-art”. In my spare time (if I actually have some in between homework, sleeping, class [sleeping in class], and working as a babysitter and HASC on Shabbat), I like watching American Dad and exploring the city with my fellow Stern ladies. I am pre-law, so ladies, give me a shout out in the future if you need an attorney (hopefully you won’t though)! Next year, I’ll still be doing the babysitting thing and HASC on some weekends, but other than that – my schedule is open so what’s up!?
SCW: Describe one goal you want to accomplish for the student body and tell us how you would accomplish that goal.
What’s my goal for you, Stern Ladies? We need to have some more fun around here and we definitely need more social interaction with the fellas, because let’s face it. Girl’s night is great, but every night gets repetitive. Let’s spice things up and meet some b’sherets! Just kidding (unless you really want to find yours, then I got you girl). I want to have exciting events like making s’mores by a bonfire or an event that many of you ladies didn’t get to experience – prom (well, maybe a faux-prom and probably 80’s themed). I also want us to get to know each other better. How many times have you passed the same girl who you know is in your grade and you wish you could just be her friend because she seems so cool, but you’re too shy? Well, worry not! I want us all to get to know each other better and become a Junior Class Unified! By the way, I am the queen of amazing ice-breaker games (and no, I’m not going to make you sit through 100 people saying their favorite movie and why. That’s not my style). Either way, there’s a lot more where that came from ladies, so vote for Meredith Lane! ;)
SCW: You have planned a huge event, but you wake up the morning of the event with a migraine. How do you ensure a quality event even though you cannot personally attend?
If I personally cannot attend an event that I have planned, I send in my stunt double. She is great and can do everything exactly the same as me. She is a genius and a hard-worker who can get the job done right! If she is unfortunately unavailable though (she is actually the stunt double of other people as well), then I make sure that everyone else on my team is rocking it and I would make lots of phone calls/texts and make sure the job is still getting done correctly. I would do anything for an event I have planned!
SCW: One of your clubs has two club heads. You know that one is doing all of the work and "doesn't mind," but the club really needs both heads to be on their "A-game" in order to succeed. How do you proceed?
First of all, I am not afraid of confrontation, so if my team is not all on their “A-game”, then rest assured that I will see that they bring their “A-game” back. I would talk with the girl who isn’t putting forth enough effort and explain that it simply is unfair and if we all agree to doing a job, then we should make sure we do it right. It’s as simple as that. If issues continue, then I would confront her again and inform her that she would probably end up on probation until the team would maybe eventually “vote her off the island."
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