Candidates for SCWSC Treasurer
- Ronit Lebor
- Rebecca Peyser

R o n i t L e b o r
Hey voters! Here is some information about myself to help you make an informed decision about who to vote for SCWSC treasurer. I have been involved on Stern campus in many ways. Last year, I was a member of the Zmanim committee helping plan and coordinate events such as Rosh Chodesh Hallel. Additionally, I worked on the committee planning the Beren Unite Shabbaton which promotes school spirit. This year, I have assisted Dr. Shuck (Microbiology Professor) with her research in SCW about cancer cells of the oral cavity. I also volunteered for Project START, which teaches an assortment of science modules to students in a public school in Washington Heights. Next year, I plan on volunteering at the Bellevue Rape Crisis Center while applying to graduate school and taking the GREs. I care tremendously and am invested in this University and in Beren Campus as can be seen by my various involvements in this school. I am organized and would be able to keep track of the different budgets for all the needs of SCWSC. I love being at SCW (even on a Thursday night and Shabbat) and would love to be your SCW treasurer.
SCW: Describe one goal you want to accomplish for the student body and tell us how you would accomplish that goal.
One problem that exists within Stern is how to get involved. Getting involved is difficult because the only people who have control in the club are the club heads; there are rarely other positions to fill within a club. In addition, signing up for a club simply puts you on an email list to receive information about events and doesn’t include opportunities for involvement within the club. I believe a solution to this firstly, is to have a club head application so anyone who is interested has the opportunity to be on the board for a club. Secondly, clubs should have meetings within themselves to delegate more jobs to individuals who are interested, thereby creating more opportunities for involvement. Meetings with all members of the club not just board members should take place on a regular basis. This way, club members have a say in the events that take place, and the board would take charge of the execution. SCWSC should also go over with clubs different ways to create more involvement opportunities for students. There should also be a suggestion box where the SCWSW board is so every student has a chance to have their voice heard. SCWSC will then meet to go over the suggestions and try their hardest to implement the suggestions given by the students.
SCW: You have planned a huge event, but you wake up the morning of the event with a migraine. How do you ensure a quality event even though you cannot personally attend?
In order to ensure a quality event, firstly, I would be in contact with whoever else is involved in running the event. I would write a list of things that still needed to get done with tasks of which I was in charge, and make sure to get them done before the event. If I were unable to do them due to my migraine I would ask someone else involved in running/planning the event to do it. I would give her specific instructions of what to do so there is no confusion about what needs to get done. I would make sure to check in with others planning the event throughout the day to make sure everyone else’s jobs are going smoothly and that the jobs I gave to others that I couldn’t do myself were getting done.
SCW: One of your clubs has two club heads. You know that one is doing all of the work and "doesn't mind," but the club really needs both heads to be on their "A-game" in order to succeed. How do you proceed?
I would have a meeting with both club heads and discuss with them what needs to be done regarding the club. I would make a checklist with them and have them split up the responsibilities evenly. I would follow up with both club heads to make sure each one was doing their jobs. If one of the club heads was not doing what she was supposed to be doing I would sit down with her and explain that if she doesn’t have the time to do the responsibilities a club head calls for maybe someone else should take her place.

R e b e c c a P e y s e r
Hey! I’m Rebecca, and I’m not from Teaneck. Fine, I am, but wait: I stay in for Shabbos. All the time—for the same reason I’m running for SCWSC: because I love this place. I’ve had so much fun in Stern this year as a board member on the Environmental Society, staff for YU Model United Nations, and a Project START volunteer. Next year I hope to continue with these activities, possibly peer tutor (in physics— we can arrange something ), and, I hope, serve you as SCWSC Treasurer! I’m a hard worker and I am prepared to eat and sleep Stern in order to make it as rewarding and fun for us as possible. I love playing sports and most games (particularly Time’s Up and Anagrams) and, above all, keeping track of Stern’s expenses. So, please, don’t deny me that.
SCW: Describe one goal you want to accomplish for the student body and tell us how you would accomplish that goal.
That dreaded question: “So, how do you like city life!?” And it’s that awkward moment again where I respond, “Well… I don’t really get out much. But it seems fun!”
I hate that I go from Brookdale to the Stern building, and back again, only breaking the monotony for an occasional Tiberias run. I want to have more FUN. I want to help all of us have more fun. Living in the heart of midtown, this should not be a difficult a task.
So I bring you YUpon. The Groupon for YU.
Here’s how it works:
Every month, I find 3 fun or chill or you-have-not-lived-until-you’ve-done-this activities. I make a few phone calls, take some cash from the Stern treasury, and purchase, in bulk, tickets to these amazing activities, if they’ll give me a discounted price.
Every month, I find 3 fun or chill or you-have-not-lived-until-you’ve-done-this activities. I make a few phone calls, take some cash from the Stern treasury, and purchase, in bulk, tickets to these amazing activities, if they’ll give me a discounted price.
That’s what I do. You simply go to the YUpon website (see below), browse the monthly deals, and buy (at a discounted price) whichever deals your heart desires! Once you buy the ticket, you can go whenever you want, with whomever you want. I’m simply bringing the deal to you.
And our college experience just became that much more fun.
SCW: You have planned a huge event, but you wake up the morning of the event with a migraine. How do you ensure a quality event even though you cannot personally attend?
Ahh, the smell of teamwork. I won’t be the only one coordinating the event! Having a team to make decisions and share responsibilities is key to a successful event. So even if I can’t attend, some other highly talented person from our team of event coordinators will be able to run the event. If necessary, I could give one of my fellow SCWSC members specific instructions about the event and ask them to step in for me, and I am sure they would, just like I would do for any of them.
SCW: One of your clubs has two club heads. You know that one is doing all of the work and "doesn't mind," but the club really needs both heads to be on their "A-game" in order to succeed. How do you proceed?
We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. I’d rather not get there though. In order to avoid this situation, I’d make sure that responsibilities are distributed evenly right from the start. Instead of just approving a club’s event, I would divide the event planning into a few responsibilities, let’s say four, and ask each club head to take charge of two. Each head will tell me which responsibilities she is handling, so that I know which head to contact to discuss different aspects of the event. This way, each club head knows exactly what she is responsible for, and no club head will have the chance to slack off, because she knows that I‘ll know if her part of the program is not up to scuff! With this system in place I would hope to prevent this potentially uncomfortable and unfair situation.