Candidates for SCWSC President
- Sophie Felder
- Adina Minkowitz
S o p h i e F e l d e r
Upon my arrival to Stern College, I was immediately impressed by the opportunities to get involved, and I took advantage. I joined the Environmental Club, the Social Justice Society and worked as an Eco Rep for the Office of Sustainability. Additionally, I wrote for The Observer and at the end of last year I was approached by The Observer to be Managing Editor.
These positions made me passionate about Stern, its students and their interests. It inspired me to run for Recording Secretary. Being on the council has been the most formative of my Stern experiences. I want to continue acting as a liaison for Stern students and developing student activities that advance the opportunities for students and create a sense of pride in our University. I do not plan on having any other extracurricular activities if I am President as I intend to fully dedicate my attention to Stern students and their interests.
Extracurricular activities are my passion and I am always seeking a way to involve myself in the community around me. I believe strongly that students should feel empowered and able to communicate whatever they feel passionate about.
Upon my arrival to Stern College, I was immediately impressed by the opportunities to get involved, and I took advantage. I joined the Environmental Club, the Social Justice Society and worked as an Eco Rep for the Office of Sustainability. Additionally, I wrote for The Observer and at the end of last year I was approached by The Observer to be Managing Editor.
These positions made me passionate about Stern, its students and their interests. It inspired me to run for Recording Secretary. Being on the council has been the most formative of my Stern experiences. I want to continue acting as a liaison for Stern students and developing student activities that advance the opportunities for students and create a sense of pride in our University. I do not plan on having any other extracurricular activities if I am President as I intend to fully dedicate my attention to Stern students and their interests.
Extracurricular activities are my passion and I am always seeking a way to involve myself in the community around me. I believe strongly that students should feel empowered and able to communicate whatever they feel passionate about.
SCW: Describe one goal you want to accomplish for the student body and tell us how you would accomplish that goal.
SophieForStern Productions Presents:
“HOW TO GET SCHOOL PRIDE IN (around) 10 DAYS (more or less)”
by: Sophie
Our story begins in the hallowed halls of Stern College for women, the happy home to its some 1500 undergraduates. Inside 215 and 245 Lexington, students are wondering how to make the university their home that they are proud of.
Act 1, Scene 1:
“The Apparel”
Every year SCWSC sells apparel at some point during the year. I propose moving this event to the beginning of the year. Part of being a part of something is being able to comfortably identify with those around you. When that SCW sweatshirt goes on over your head, that’s the moment you are an identifiable Yeshiva student. Why not welcome students with the “Ster-parrel” that will make them a part of YU?
Act 1, Scene 2:
“Going Outside of YU”
There are numerous opportunities for students to attend conferences and events outside the University. Students who attend these events should be given the training and resources to represent themselves in a professional manner.
I am interested in funding and finding opportunities like policy conferences and summits so that students have the chance to bring what they have learned at YU to the global community.
Act 1, Scene 3:
“Occupy Stern”
I have found that the chances I’ve had to take ownership of an event, have taught me the most about myself and being a part of a place like Stern.
I propose a system where students can send in their ideas for events and be matched up with the organization that can assist in planning the event, with the help of that student. This will give students the chance to bring speakers and events that they are interested in to Stern, as well as give them the chance to incorporate themselves in the larger Stern community.
Act 1, Scene 4:
“Pow Wow with Student Leaders”
Student leaders are nowhere without the students and its important that they be in touch with the concerns, goals and questions of the student body. Likewise it is important that students feel empowered to make changes, to acknowledge achievements and have a change to be heard.
I propose bi-semesterly “pow wows” with student leadership to sit and eat. And also to talk about the things that students are concerned with or hope to accomplish. Students need to know that student leaders are only there to improve their college experience and I want to be open to approaching the leadership.
Act 1, Scene 5:
This past year we enjoyed so many events that gave students a chance to see other sides of Stern. We went to a Macs game, went ice-skating and to the movies. Events like these might not be academic, but they are a chance for us to bond as a community.
I propose an increased effort to target programming at getting students together in a fun relaxed way and to work on the simple commonality that we share of choosing to attend Yeshiva University
As president, it would be so important for me that students understand that their opinions matter. I would work very hard to make Stern a place where students feel that empowerment and are proud of the ownership they have taken.
SCW: You have planned a huge event, but you wake up the morning of the event with a migraine. How do you ensure a quality event even though you cannot personally attend?
Assuming this migraine is one that even Excedrin can’t fix, I would immediately call my Vice President for a Skype meeting (or if she’s really nice, a meeting in my room, before which of course, she would stop in the caf to get me pizza and spicy mayo – my favorite food combo). Being that the position of the Vice President is to serve as an immediate second to the President, I would be confident in her abilities to review the program itinerary and details with me and execute the event as originally planned.
SCW: One of your clubs has two club heads. You know that one is doing all of the work and "doesn't mind," but the club really needs both heads to be on their "A-game" in order to succeed. How do you proceed?
Assuming this migraine is one that even Excedrin can’t fix, I would immediately call my Vice President for a Skype meeting (or if she’s really nice, a meeting in my room, before which of course, she would stop in the caf to get me pizza and spicy mayo – my favorite food combo). Being that the position of the Vice President is to serve as an immediate second to the President, I would be confident in her abilities to review the program itinerary and details with me and execute the event as originally planned.
I would find it necessary to ensure that this discrepancy in effort be founded on clear examples. I would need to know via logged e-mails, or event requests sent in, that one individual is performing all the work. I understand that it is not always so well documented or clear, but I would need some kind of hard information to work off of. Then, sitting down with this clear data, I would meet first with the club head who is not performing as well to get an idea of why they might be falling behind. I would prefer this initial meeting to be individual to give the club head a chance to explain themselves and think about methods for improvement and set up for them a trajectory for future club activities. Obviously this is a situation that would require revisiting in order to ensure that it has been fully resolved and if necessary I would ask the club head to step down for someone who is better equipped for the position.
I would find it necessary to ensure that this discrepancy in effort be founded on clear examples. I would need to know via logged e-mails, or event requests sent in, that one individual is performing all the work. I understand that it is not always so well documented or clear, but I would need some kind of hard information to work off of. Then, sitting down with this clear data, I would meet first with the club head who is not performing as well to get an idea of why they might be falling behind. I would prefer this initial meeting to be individual to give the club head a chance to explain themselves and think about methods for improvement and set up for them a trajectory for future club activities. Obviously this is a situation that would require revisiting in order to ensure that it has been fully resolved and if necessary I would ask the club head to step down for someone who is better equipped for the position.
A d i n a M i n k o w i t z
Hey Everybody! My name is Adina Minkowitz and I am finishing up my junior and third year at Stern College. I am currently treasurer of SCWSC and I have decided to run for president. I believe that continuity is very important and as someone who has been on the council before I understand the needs of the student body and my experience has prepared me for another wonderful year of student life involvement. I would like to go above and beyond to make this coming year as memorable as possible. I am constantly brainstorming and coming up with ways to better undergraduate life. I am a team player who is organized, passionate, committed and creative. I love thinking up crazy ways to give you guys the chance to have fun, make new friends, and have the best undergraduate experience possible! I put SCWSC on the top of my priority list and would like to continue doing so next year. If you give me the chance to be president of SCWSC and give back all that I have received, I will do my best to make your year better. For a better Stern, vote Adina for Prez!
SCW: Describe one goal you want to accomplish for the student body and tell us how you would accomplish that goal.

The SCW undergraduate community is a thriving one, bustling with various clubs, constant activity, and unforgettable events. There is so much going on it is often hard to keep track of what is happening, what went on, and what to look forward to. All the things going on at Stern are extremely impressive and should be talked about! I would like to start a bi-monthly SCWSC newsletter outlining what is going on within student council and clubs on campus. The newsletter will commit half of itself to upcoming events, outlining what students should expect for the next two weeks, and the second half, will focus on what has already happened on campus. This section would contain photos and blurbs about the events written, and taken by students or club board members. I think this will be a phenomenal way to showcase what we have on campus, and will act as a means to hear feedback on student life from students.
#2 - Continuity:
Everyone understands how important continuity within councils and boards is. It is vital that board members pass down their thoughts and ideas in the best way possible to incoming board members. Clubs under SCWSC are more or less free to do whatever they want in terms of running events on campus. They come up with something that fits within their mission statement and budget and request approval. I believe that each club should be given a binder at the start of the year clearly labeled (for example: “THE CHEMISTRY CLUB”) in which clubs should collect, keep tally and log of what goes on within their club. File away event request forms, important contact information and other necessary information. At the end of each year, the binders will be stored in the Student Union Centre and will be given to the incoming board the following year. This way “Mesora” is collected, maintained and passed on.
This year SCWSC held an event called “Macs Madness” which was used to enhance school spirit, and pride by attending one of our team’s basketball games. On many campuses around the country, sports teams play a central role in school spirit, pride and participation. Though we have a divided undergraduate community, there is no shortage of sports teams on both campuses. There are always games going on whether it be basketball, soccer, or tennis as well as cross country matches in the fall. It is quite important to raise school spirits and one way to do so is by attending these games. Macs Madness was extremely successful and it got people excited about the team. With more events like Macs Madness (where students attend school sports games) school pride will be enhanced and attending games will no longer be a maybe, rather a given.
#3 - Fun Event:
#3 - Fun Event:
At the start of a new year SCWSC runs a kick-off-welcome back event. I thought it would be fun to have one that involved Rosh Hashana somehow seeing as Rosh Hashana falls out close to the beginning of the school year. I would like students to have a chance to decorate and make candy apples which they can take away while at the same time, playing arcade games all in Koch auditorium. I looked into renting arcade games and it is completely feasible and not too costly. There are pinball machines, dance dance revolution set ups, wack-a-mole and more! I think this would be a great way to welcome back friends, meet new people and most importantly have fun!
Event flyer attached.
SCW: You have planned a huge event, but you wake up the morning of the event with a migraine. How do you ensure a quality event even though you cannot personally attend?
If she does not agree to help out, I would call my liaison from student council. I would again explain the situation. I would ask my liaison if she knows of anyone who can take my place and if not, for her to do the job that night.
I think it is always possible to find someone to help you do the job if in a situation like this. I believe that prior to the event – in the planning stages – it is quite vital to be working on it with more than one person and not individually. There should always be a backup plan because problems can always arise.
SCW: One of your clubs has two club heads. You know that one is doing all of the work and "doesn't mind," but the club really needs both heads to be on their "A-game" in order to succeed. How do you proceed?
I would speak to the club head that does most of the work and explain that though she doesn’t mind she needs to ask her fellow club head for more help. If she does and the club head does not kick in and get in the groove of helping by pulling her weight, I would call them both into a meeting and explain the situation. I would give them a deadline to show me that they are both equally contributing to the position. I would explain that the position needs to be covered by two people and if one of them does not feel fit for the job she should look for someone qualified and committed to fill her space. Though it is hard at times to be assertive, club positions are extremely important. When someone takes on a title, it is imperative that they do their job and it is the responsibility of the council member to make sure, via the club member, the job gets done properly.